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1Spicy field rat dishes with garlic thrown in have become particularly popular at a time when beef costs 20,000 riel a kg.
2In 1884 Riel was living in Montana with his wife and children.
3Riel was their adviser; was not a member of the Executive Committee.
4The fate to be meted out to Riel was the burning question.
5Riel, he testified, directed the rebel movements in concert with Gabriel Dumont.
6These expressions were made by Riel after the rebellious movement was begun.
7Strange used to tell Watusk about how Louis Riel fought the whites.
8Evidently Hervé Riel is the only one we need mention by name.
9Before the rebellion Riel was a polite and pleasant man to me.
10I shook hands with Mr. Riel and had a talk with him.
11This is the gentleman who provided the munificence for Louis Riel's education.
12Riel afterwards accused me of having advised an English half-breed to desert.
13Then, as if wandering from his subject, Riel broke forth and said:
14Louis David Riel opened his eyes, glanced at the sun, and said-
15Riel, however, seemed to feel that power was slipping from his hands.
16To put it plainly Riel's fate turned almost entirely upon political considerations.